Monday, March 14, 2011

I haven't posted anything in a long time, mostly because I am too busy!! This weekend was very busy, and it wasn't even my weekend to have the girls. I have not let Anna be in a pageant in over 2 years, so I felt it was time for her to get back in it. She's been asking for so long. I found her a dress and she looks adorable in it! I wound up letting her be in 2 pageants Saturday. I know....Crazy, right? Anna did a great job in the first pageant, but tripped over her dress a few times. I felt so bad for her because I should have pinned it up underneath. She has been practicing her walk with her friend, Hannah, for a couple of weeks and did a great job on her walk. She was a little upset, but she did win Best Hair!! I think it helped that she had 3 of good friends in the pageant too and they had so much fun! The girls heard that there was another pageant that day and wanted to do that one too. Their hair and makeup was already done, so us moms decided to let them do it!! Anna did much better this time. Thanks to the moms that helped me pin her dress up so she wouldn't trip. She won Miss Photogenic and 1st Alternate. I'm so proud of her!! I decided to let her 3 friends spend the night with us!! They were hilarious playing dress up in old pageant dresses and playing games.

Gina came over Sunday morning and she painted their faces several times. I know that the girls enjoyed that so much!! I'm so glad that Anna has such wonderful friends. I might even have them over this Friday night since my Amber is spending the night with one of her friends. I think it's good that she and Anna have been separated the past 2 weekends. I think that they need that one on one time with me or their dad sometimes. I do miss Amber though. I know she'll have fun with her friend though. She has an awesome group of friends too!!